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{ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيّ يَا أَيّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا }(الأحزاب-56)
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***الإذاعة المباشرة للقرآن الكريم ***

إذاعة القران الكريم حيث تبث طوال اليوم ، وقد انتقينا لكم أجمل القراءات  لقصار السور.. هذة الخدمة مقدمة من المكتبة الصوتية للقران الكريم .. أضغط على زر التشغيل لتشتغل الإذاعة ..



 Computer learning

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


عدد المساهمات : 19
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/03/2010
العمر : 27
الموقع : ksa $$$ safwa

Computer learning Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Computer learning   Computer learning I_icon_minitimeالخميس 25 مارس 2010, 22:48

Consists of computer the following units:
1 - Input units: (I / N)
2 - units directing I / O)
3 - central processing unit (CPU)
4 - units of internal storage (Internal Storage)
5 - units of secondary storage (Auxiliary Storage)
And we will address each element of them separately:

1 - Input units: (I / N)

Are the units through which the introduction of information and programs to the CPU include:
A - Keyboard (Keyboard)
B - mouse (Mouse)
C - pen Shining (Light Pen)
D - the drawing board (GraphicsTabels)
E - joystick (Joustick)
And - Scanner (Scanner)

2 - units directing I / O)

Are the units that are on the way out the information and the results after treatment, and include:
A - Printing Machine (Printer)
B - drawing machine (Plotter)
C - Display (Monitor)

3 - central processing unit (CPU) and include:
(A) - The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
(B) - the console (C. uU)

4 - units of internal storage (InternalStorage) and include:

A - random memory storage (RAM)
B - read-only memory (ROM)

5 - units of secondary storage (Auxiliary Storage) and include:

A - floppy disc (Floppy Disk)
B - Hard Disk (Hard Disk)

Consists of the keyboard from the following groups:

1 - the key to type the characters KYPEWRITER KEY AREA
2 - the key figures NUMERIC KEYPAD
3 - function keys FUNCTION CONTROL KEYS
4 - keys to move the cursor CURSOR CONTROL KEYS
5 - the key to modify the write EDITING KEYS
6 - control keys CONTROL KEYS
7 - also includes indicative lights showing the status of control INDICATOR LIGHTS

And are explained below previous groups:

1 - the key to writing letters:
Is a set of keys, letters, numbers and special characters such as # $%, which is used to insert data into the computer.

2 - the key figures: -
Using a set of keys to move the cursor keys to the figures after you install the numbers by pressing a key to install the numbers NUM LOCK

3 - function keys:
Is a group under the symbol keys F1 to F10 and set the program which is used with the keys and function, which vary from one program to another

Example: -
When you run the Wizard language BASIC BASIC.COM the function keys are as follows: -
F1: to order LISTF2: to issue the RUN command and even Hecz F10
When you run the program, while addressing the LOTUS 1-2-3 spreadsheet software, we find that:
F1 RFP screens HELP assistance and so on.

4 - keys to move the cursor CURSOR: -
CURSOR * cursor is the police the small flashing constantly on the screen which indicate where the next character to write.
* Set of keys to move the cursor forms of carrying stocks move the cursor up and down and to the right and left either the keys PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, the function depends on the program, which will be used.

Example: -
When you run the word processor used wordstar home to pay the cursor to the top left of the screen end to move the cursor to the end of the line PgUp to return to the previous page, PgDn to advance a page, these functions vary depending on programs.

5 - the key to modify the writing: -
Lead and adjusts the writing of data errors as you type on the keyboard
Function key
Go back a letter with the previous character survey
Move the cursor to a number of spaces
Clear the current character BACK SPACE *

6 - Control keys: -
A - Enter ENTER: -
When pressed transfers the data written on the screen Alyalmakrp and move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

B - the key to install high-CAPS LOCK: -
Found by clicking on writing letters to capital letters pressed again to return small letters.

C - Key figures install NUM LOCK: -
Prove type the numbers of the keys to move the cursor until button is pressed again to return the keys to move the cursor.

D - the key to install the screen: SCROLL LOCK
When full-screen data is used to prevent the Supreme scan lines to write new lines

E - Key print screen PRINT SCRN: -
When you press the Shift-SHIFT and then install the pressure on the Print Screen key to print a copy of the data on the screen on the printing machine.

And - control key CTRL: -
Clicking it and install it and the pressure on the keys with the other performs some important functions such as
CTRL + C to stop running the program.
CTRL + S performs the function of the SCROLL LOCK key

These shortcuts fast with the keyboard while working on the roses Tgnek on the use of the mouse as well as some of the other shortcuts that mission work is done faster ...

Learn writing hole and Kasra and Vibrio and secrets Keyboards
Shift + E: Vibrio
Shift + X: Sleep
Shift + Q: slot
Shift + A: Kasra
Y + Shift: intensity
Shift + Z: Duration
Shift + W: you intend to open
Shift + S: intend crumb
Shift + R: are intending to join
Shift + T: No
Shift + G: No,
Shift + Y: E
Shift + H: a
Shift + N: a
Shift + B: No
Shift + V: (
Shift + C:)
Shift + F:]
Shift + D: [
Shift + J: to extend the character
Ctrl + C: Copy
Ctrl + X: Cut
Ctrl + V: Paste
Ctrl + Z: Undo
Ctrl + A: Education Profile
Shift + U: inverted comma
Ctrl + ESC: Task List
Ctrl + Enter: Starting a new page
Ctrl + Shift: Language Arab (right)
Ctrl + Shift: Language Ingelezip (left)
Ctrl + 1: Single space
Ctrl + 5: line space and a half
Ctrl + 2: double space
Ctrl + G: Go to page
Ctrl + END: go to the end of file
Ctrl + F5: Minimize window file
Ctrl + F6: the transition from one to another
Ctrl + F2: preview the page before printing
= + Ctrl: zoom in and out, one degree
F4: repeat the last process
Alt + Enter: repeat the last process
Ctrl + Y: repeat the last process
Ctrl + F9: Open brackets ready
Shift + F10: Bullets and digital
F12: Save As
Shift + F12: Save the file
Ctrl + Home: the first document
Ctrl + End: Latest Document
Shift + F1: information on the type of coordination
Ctrl + U: line under the text
Ctrl + F4: Exit from the file
Ctrl + N: New File
Ctrl + H: Replace
Ctrl + I: Italics
Ctrl + K: Document Format
Ctrl + P: Print
Ctrl + O: Open area
D + Ctrl: zoom text
C + Ctrl: zoom text
Alt + S: Format menu
Alt + J: Help Menu
[+ Alt: List Table
] + Alt: Tools Menu
Alt + U: View menu
Alt + P: Edit Menu
Alt + L: On the File menu
"+ Alt: window menu
Alt + Q: modified procedure
Ctrl + E: Center text
Ctrl + F: Search
Ctrl + B: black line
Ctrl + Shift + P: font size
Ctrl + Shift + S: Style
Ctrl + D: line
Ctrl + Shift + K: character conversion - CapitalShift + F3: character conversion - CapitalCtrl + Shift + L: set a point at the beginning of the text
Ctrl + Alt + E: Footnotes numbering Roman
Ctrl + Alt + R: Mark ®️
Ctrl + Alt + T: Mark ™️
Ctrl + Alt + C: Mark ©️
Ctrl + Alt + I: preview the page before printing
Shift + F7: Thesaurus
Ctrl + Alt + F1: System Information
Ctrl + Alt + F2: Open Directories
Ctrl + J: resolving the text from both sides
Ctrl + L: the beginning of the text from the left side
Ctrl + Q: the beginning of the text from the right side
Ctrl + E: Center text
Ctrl + M: changing the size of the top paragraph
Shift + F5: Back to the place where I finished it when you close the file
= + Ctrl + Alt: Customize
F3: AutoText entry
F9: Check fields
F10: Move the window to open the windows
F1: Help
F5: Jump to
F7: Spelling
F8: Education Region

ctrl + a select it works all of the object Nasaw
ctrl + c This command copies the selected
ctrl + v This command paste the copied
ctrl + x This command runs the cut that was specified
ctrl + z so important Jma you can undo any currency is
ctrl + p it gives Alentcefh program or any program that is printing
ctrl + o You can Venh file from any program through this
ctrl + w you can close any open window
ctrl + d is make the browser saves the page displayed to favorites
ctrl + f you can search for the word in the program
ctrl + b You can order one preferred by this
ctrl + s save the work you have done
ctrl + shift makes the index writing go to the left
ctrl + shift to the right makes Almwcrivhb
alt + f4 is useful to close the windows
alt + esc you can move from window to window
alt + tab is very useful for you if there were many windows open you can choose the required Alvazp
alt + shift left turn to the writing of Alalab Pro
alt + shift right turn of words to write an Arab
f2 is useful and fast you can change the name of a specific file

Sorry going on so long
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ملاك الروح
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 28
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/02/2010

Computer learning Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Computer learning   Computer learning I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 26 مارس 2010, 19:42

معلومات حلوة وعامة ومفيدة بنفس الوقت
خاصة ازا تلفت الماوس مثلا فالبديل موجود من استخدامات الكي بورد كما اسلفت
تصحيحي الوحيدعلىI\O
Input\Output devices

O:output devices
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Computer learning
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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لأني أحبك يا رسول الله .. :: ******** :: **English world**-
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